Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Special Announcement from Kim... Don't Miss This!

Hi Everyone,
Tomorrow night, I have the joy of being interviewed by Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney, author of the wonderful books, "Angel Blessings" and "Angel Love."  Our topic will be, "Experiencing Worthiness Through CHEER."  What is CHEER?  Come join us to find out all about this wonderful process!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 8:30 PM eastern time, 5:30 PM pacific.  I will be appearing with Kimberly on her wonderful Soul Connections internet radio program:
We all catch ourselves feeling unworthy sometimes, don't we?  We don't feel like we're good enough, smart enough, wealthy enough, etc.  It's been my personal experience that these unworthy feelings tend to drag us down, make us depressed and leave us stagnating and unmotivated.  And that doesn't help us to achieve our dreams and desires!  So let's change that together, shall we?
Join Kimberly and I as we discuss the CHEER formula for discovering and cultivating our own self-worth, and using that new-found self-worth to achieve amazing results in all areas of our lives.  You don't want to miss this enlightening and insightful conversation!
The call will run for half an hour.  Just go to:
and click on "Low Speed Internet Audio Stream."  The program should begin playing in your media player.
If you can't make it live, don't worry!  It will be available in Kimberly's archives section for your listening enjoyment.
The recording should be available about an hour after the show airs.
I hope you can join us!  It's going to be a lot of fun!
Remember, the program runs from 8:30 to 9:00 PM eastern time, Wednesday, January 16.  I look forward to sharing this information with you!
Until then, have a beautiful and blessed day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,

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