Friday, May 26, 2006

"The Beauty of Rain"

Hi All,
It's a warm, windy, stormy morning here in the southeast.  Sometimes the sun will peek around the clouds momentarily, to warm and nurture the earth with it's warm rays.  Sometimes, the rain pours down to soak the soil with it's shining drops.  Sometimes, the wind picks up, bending the branches low and breathing life into all of creation.
I commented to my father this morning that it was a beautiful day.  Dad replied, "Oh yeah.  Beautiful... storming, and rain pouring and wind blowing, when I'm trying to get things done outside."
Yet, I am still sure that, indeed, it is a beautiful day.  The rain and sunshine both nurture the earth.  The wind causes some chaos, but it, too, serves a purpose.
Sometimes in our life, the rain will fall, seemingly raining on our parade.  The wind may seem to blow away our hopes and dreams.  The sun may refuse to stop shining, even though our hearts are in pain.  Yet, all these situations can serve as nurturing times for us.  It is up to us to figure out how they may serve us, how they may make us stronger, braver, better than we currently are.  Bless these times in your life, for they are your teachers, and can guide you to exploring your true beauty and many strengths.
If I can assist you in this exploration through any of the services I offer, please don't hesitate to contact me via my website.:
I'd be honored to explore with you!
Make today a beautiful day,