Saturday, April 01, 2006

"A Special Invitation

Hi All,
You are cordially invited to attend a free teleconference that I am holding tonight at 9:00 PM EST.  The conference will include a special channeled message from one of my spirit guides, Finola, a meditation to celebrate Spring and all the new beginnings and little miracles that comes with this glorious season, to release old patterns and make way for new and exciting possibilities within your life!  There will also be time to get to know each other, and to ask any questions you may have or share any feedback.
Because many of you may be unfamiliar with Finola's messages, here is one to acquaint you with her beautiful and inspiring words.:
Monday, March 20, 2006
Channeled through Kim
Beloved readers, what a delight it is to speak to you today.  Beloveds, if you reside in the northern hemisphere, then Spring will arrive later today.
Spring, as you know, is a period of much celebration and rejuvenation, as it is a time for rebirth.  Spring is a period in which you can create many new
exciting opportunities for yourself, and many miracles which will bless you throughout the coming seasons of this beautiful year!  In Spring, the trees
are budding, the grass springs up new fresh green shoots from the soil, the flowers begin to bud and bloom with gusto, and all is fresh and new.  I encourage
each of you to, like Mother Earth herself, acquire a fresh new perspective about life in general.  Rethink your life, for your thoughts, as I have said
before, have the power to change your world.  This is a wonderful time to shed old boundaries and reemerge more fully realized.  Hold your head high!
Rejoice in this moment of new beginnings!  Allow old burdens to fall away.  Feel lighter, brighter, shiny and bran new.  Just as the season of Spring has
come to parts of Mother Earth, allow Spring to come to your own heart and life as well.  Begin anew.  Start afresh.  See life for the wonder it truly is!
I wish you a day of new beginnings and much celebration!  I leave you with my eternal love.
If Finola's presence and words resonate with you, and you want to celebrate Spring and all the wonders it entails, please feel free to join the free teleconference tonight!
The number to call is 712-432-3900, Pin, 759024#.  You must press the # key to enter the conference.  I do plan to record the call
to cassette, so if anyone wants to purchase a copy afterwards, you may do so!  Please feel free to pass this invitation to anyone whom you think would
be interested!  I look forward to interacting and getting to know all of you.  This will be a warm, light-hearted evening filled with love, light and all-around
excitement!  Come join in and celebrate Spring!