Monday, March 27, 2006

"Everyone Of Us"

Hi All,
I'm sure you've all experienced feelings of loneliness, abandonment and unworthiness.  Most of us experience those feelings at one time or another, some of us more than others.  It's always important to remember something at times like these... that is, we are all much beloved children of God!  God created each of us, each unique and individual, and therefore, each special.  All of us are precious to God.  Moreover, God appointed each of us guardian angels to love, guide and protect us as we travel life's path!
Not sure you have an angel?  Often times, it's those strange little synchronicities that let us know they're there.  You may smell a scent without knowing where it came from.  You may feel something brush your cheek, hair, etc.  You may sense movement or a twinkling light out of the corner of your eye.  Or you may simply feel or sense a presence around you.
So, when you feel alone or afraid, always remember that God and your angels love you unconditionally, and will never leave or forsake you!
I love you all!