Saturday, May 20, 2006


Hi All,
This morning, it was again demonstrated to me just how wonderful and downright tenacious nature is!  I was awakened by a tremendous storm.  Lightning streaked madly across a blackened sky, thunder rattled the windows, and the rain gushed in torrents.  The wind picked up, snapping off limbs and branches and causing general chaos.
As the storm cleared and the sun began to peek over the horizon, the birds began their lovely morning chorus, lifting their sweet voices heavenward in joyous song.  When the huge gusts of wind seemed to threaten to blow them straight off of their perches, they still sang as joyously as ever before.  The wind and weather wasn't a deterrent to their song, and didn't dampen their joy in the slightest.
We can take a lesson from these birds.  No matter which way the wind blows us in life, no matter the violence of the storms or the ``` of the lightning strikes, let us always remember that we, like them, were put here with a song to sing.  Our road may not be smooth all the time, but let us not forget the importance of singing our song, of discovering and fulfilling our life's purpose, and of brightening our world in whatever way we can.
A song performed by the late great Cass Elliot:
says it nicely.:
"Make your own kind of music.  Sing your own special song.  Make your own kind of music, even when nobody else sings along."
Have a blessed day, and keep on singin'!