Being with Yourself
It's proven to be a difficult and exhausting period for me personally. My maternal grandfather has been ill for some time now. Last week, he took a turn
for the worse, and was hospitalized on Wednesday morning. He seemed to rebound Thursday, and had quite a wonderful day, talking and laughing with family
members and friends.
By Friday, however, he had hit a downward spiral. He passed away Saturday, July 29, at a little after 11 PM.
Making the various arrangements has been a logistical nightmare for the family. We'll find out today when we'll be able to proceed with the funeral.
This entire process has been totally exhausting, physically, mentally and emotionally. In times like these, I have to remind myself that it's really *okay*!
It's okay to experience our personal turmoil, and to honor it as a part of life. It's okay to grieve, to release all the emotion inside of us. It's
okay to feel pain, exhaustion, anger, frustration, and yes, relief. That's okay!
I feel all of those emotions as I sit here writing this entry. This is simply a period... a process... a part of the journey. I honor this painful experience,
and the process of getting through it empowers and strengthens me on all levels.
So, when you're facing turmoil, my advice to you is to honor the emotions, the experiences and the people and places involved. I'm not saying to let your
emotions run away with you or to wallow in the experiences. But honor them, experience them, release them with love, and then begin to heal.
I leave you with this quote from Elisabeth Kubler Ross, whose work on death and dying has given so much to this world. "People are like stained-glass windows.
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out,
but when darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within."
Elisabeth Kubler Ross
Shine your light, now and always,