Monday, February 27, 2006

More On the Power of Prayer

Good morning,
I know that the process of prayer may seem daunting to some people.  Some of you may be wondering how to pray.  What do you say?  I believe there is no one structure that must be taken in order to formulate a prayer.  As I said yesterday, all that needs to be done is to pray from a place of sincerity.  Sit in the stillness.  Give yourself the time, the patience and the self-love to learn to feel the presence of God.  For many people, this may not happen right away -- it may take time to feel God's loving presence.  I believe that God is a loving, compassionate, forgiving God who is always with us and who loves us no matter what.  You have nothing to be afraid of when you pray.  God will not judge the eliquence of your prayers.  God loves you as a dear child.  Prayer is a time in which you can simply rest in God's loving arms and converse.
When I attended Sunday school as a small child, I was taught several tools that were important to include in every prayer.  I will include three of these here for your own prayer time, if you choose to use them.:
<li>Gratitude.  Thank God for the people and things that are most important to you.  Thank God for the day, the events of the day, the people you love, the flowers outside your window, the house you live in, etc.</li>
<li>Pray for others.  Say prayers for friends, family members and strangers who you want God to bless and care for.  You may choose to pray for the safety of a family member in the military, the success of those rebuilding from Katrina and other natural disasters, or the recovery of a friend from a bad cold, for example.</li>
<li>Pray for yourself.  Ask God to help lead you through difficult situations or circumstances.  Ask God to help you deal with troubling or difficult relationships, to help you learn to take better care of yourself, to help you improve your finances, etc</li>
I hope you find some of these suggestions helpful.  If you are curious about finding some prayers that may help you begin or better your own prayer life, a wonderful resource for you may be:
<a href=''>world</a>
I will close by quoting one of my favorite prayers, and a prayer that many people may already know --- the Serinity Prayer.:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  Amen."