Hi All,
I've noticed that, when I am able to release and completely let go of a situation or problem, solutions and answers appear in totally unexpected ways! I believe that it is this step... being able to completely release a situation or problem... that is the greatest key in finding a solution. It sounds so easy... to just let go; yet, it is often exceedingly hard to do!
I don't really know how to make it easier for individuals struggling with the inability to release, accept to remind them of that old adage, "try, try again." As a spiritual healing practitioner, I can't release a client's issues or problems for them... yet, I can give them tools to make the releasing as "easy" as possible, and as I said, I for one rarely find it easy.
Personally, I use such tools as affirmations, meditation, chanting, mantras, self-hypnosis, and, my favorite, PRAYER. Often, just the ability to talk to a higher power, whether you choose to talk to God, Jesus, Mother Mary, the angels, your higher self, or any other power you like, makes it far easier to release the burdens of your problems over to them without fear or reservations.
I will write more on this topic in my next entry, including a great little meditation that I've created for just this purpose.
Much Love,
It's so clear that you have to cherish everyone. I think that's what I get from these older black women, that every soul is to be cherished, that every
flower Is to bloom.
Alice Walker