Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Hi All,
Well, tomorrow is the beginning of Summer.  I'm not quite sure where the Spring got to, or the month of June, for that matter.  Nevertheless, just as I think of Spring as a time of rebirth, I usually think of Summer as a time of celebration.  The kids are out of school, the birds sing joyously for all they're worth, (as they are currently doing right outside the window above my desk), and the trees and flowers are blooming profusely.
Remember to take some time to celebrate life this Summer!  Try to find the joys that are sprinkled throughout your life.  Notice the pretty flowers springing up in your yard, the great trees stretching their branches Heavenward, the grand tall building you work in, or something else that is beautiful to you.  Listen to the laughter of children, watch water flowing in a stream or fountain, or collect some pretty sea shells.  All these can be recognized for the beautiful moments that they truly are.  The point is, find something that is beautiful to you, and bask in it, revel in it, and enjoy it!  Celebrate you this Summer, and all year round, for you are a much loved child of God.
Happy Summer,
P.S.  Check out my upcoming teleclasses on my website... I've got several fun ones coming up, and would love to share them with you!