Greetings All,
Do you ever have one of those days when you wish you'd just never gotten out of bed in the morning? Perhaps something happens early on that simply ruins your day and the day can't really recover itself? Or perhaps you simply feel worn out, and just slog through the day with little energy and no enthusiasm?
The former is sort of how my own day began this morning. Early on, I was confronted with a situation which made me angry, irritated and a little scared. Sadly, it really took the sparkle out of my morning.
So, how do you minimize the negative effects of days such as these?
First off, it is not what happens in your day that can ruin it, it's how you *react* to what happens. In other words, if someone says something to you that angers you, (which is what happened to me), then try to release that comment with love. I know, it's easier said than done, believe me. If a comment or situation makes you feel a certain way, accept that emotion, honor it, and then release it. By loving the other person and releasing the situation or remark to the universe, you will actually feel better in the process. Later, you'll be able to say to yourself, "I was the better for simply releasing that person or situation into the loving care of God (however you refer to God).
As I said, I know this isn't easy. I've been trying to do it all day. It takes practice. Fortunately though, in releasing something or someone with love, you can often put a little of that sparkle back into your day, or, at the very least, get through it will grace and a little less burdened by anger or frustration.
Also, if your day isn't going well, whether it be due to someone or something else or you're simply tired and unenthusiastic, hold your head high and plod through it anyway. Remember, as Scarlett O'Hara so famously said, "Tomorrow is another day", and you can determine ahead of time to make it a truly wonderful day, no matter the circumstances. Stay positive, release with love, and make your day the best day you possibly can!
I wish you a blessed and beautiful day!