Sunday, February 26, 2006

More On Affirmations

Good Afternoon,
Since I was unable to write yesterday, I will send two posts today.  This first one will continue the discussion of affirmations begun on Friday.
An affirmation is a statement that is ultimately designed to better a person's life.  These can be statements regarding anything from health, finances,
relationships, etc.  These statements "affirm" where you want to be in your life.  For instance, if you are having issues in your finances, you may choose
to say, "I am abundant financially and am able to easily control my spending habbits."  It is crucial that these affirmations be in the present tense.
 This is because, when spoken in the present tense, you acknowledge that your desire is *already* fulfilled, but simply needs to manifest itself into physical
A warning about affirmations is necessary.  If you simply say the words without any expression or emotion, they will not be beneficial.  The tone of your
voice when speaking an affirmation is just as important as the words themselves.
Also, you *must* intend that the affirmations work for you.  In other words, if you state that "I am financially abundant", you must have an intention before
you make that statement that it is true!  Intentions lead to action, so you must take actions that will allow the affirmations to work positively in your
So really, an affirmation is part of a three step process --- intention, plus affirmations, plus actions equals positive results.  Our thoughts create our
reality, and if we have positive and loving thoughts about ourselves and our world, truly believe these thoughts, and act upon them with delight and passion,
then we are guaranteed success by the universe.
We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who
walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their
last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but
they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken
from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms -
to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances,
to choose one's own way.
--Viktor Frankel, "Search for Meaning"



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