Friday, February 24, 2006

vvWelcome to my blog! Here you can enjoy tips for creating a more joyous, peaceful and prosperous life.

Let me begin by sharing an affirmation with you. Affirmations are powerful tools to use in shifting your life into something that more closely resembles your ideal reality. Before creating an affirmation, you must first create an intention.. that is, you must "intend" that this affirmation will integrate itself into your thought processes and become a BELIEF" for you! I will explain further about affirmations tomorrow. But for now, know that they are not as complex as they may sound, and they serve as very empowering tools. When I wake up each morning, I will affirm to myself aloud, "I will live today with passion and joy." This is a beautiful and wonderful way to begin your day. It immediately sets a positive mood and gets you off on the right foot to create a wonderful day for yourself!

TOmorrow, I will explain more thoroughly about affirmations -- why they work, how they work, and how you can allow them to begin working in your own life!

Namaste! Have a blessed day!

Much Love,



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