Thursday, January 10, 2008

What Will You Discover

Good Morning,
Did you know that one of the most insidious obstacles to attracting your desires is something most of us don't give much thought to? I know I hadn't really
thought of it before...
Give this some thought because when discovered and aligned in your choices, the entire Universe just seems to line up on your behalf.

My friend and colleague Anita Pathik Law says one of the most critical pieces to leveraging the Law of Attraction is to truly identify and give language
to your purpose.

Yes, Purpose...soul level - the reason you incarnated on the planet - PURPOSE.

She says that when we focus on desires that are not aligned with our unique purpose in the world that we often experience a lack of flow. This includes
not manifesting a specific desire and receiving undesired manifestations in our lives.

And, when honest, as she reminds us, you really don't want the Universe to supply you with something that is not in your highest good, in particular when
it is out of alignment with your purpose; do you?

Awakening to Purpose:
is a powerful key to effortless manifestation and beginning on January 14th you can initiate this discovery with Anita during a powerful six week teleprogram.

Chock full of some of the most amazing exercises (over 200 pages of powerful content, models and exercises) that walk you through the 7 Keys to Awakening to Purpose, this transformational program will change how you view yourself and your unique role in the world.

Plus, when you register at
you will also receive well over $1,000 in extra gifts (including one from me!)

Anita is known for manifesting some pretty wild things, including a surprise, tax free check for $50,000, and she attributes most of it to aligning with
her purpose.

But, it wasn't until she aligned with her Purpose that things really began to flow.

Purpose gives you a foundation from which all else comes from. It brings meaning, focus and clarity and often shifts our perspective, calling forth a much
higher energy of conscious creation.

Check it out and open to a flow beyond your wildest imagination! For less than three dinners out you will discover;

Þ     an incredible untapped power that exists within you,
Þ     repattern non-serving and obstacle creating beliefs, and
Þ     discover simple yet profound keys to manifesting and aligning with masterminding principles in a way that leverages other universal laws...

Love and Blessings,

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well said!! You have some great stuff here!! I will make sure to bookmark this site for future inspiration :)

with love and crystal blessings,

8:14 PM  
Blogger Kim Loftis, the Spiritual Fulfillment Coach said...

Thanks so much, Kristi! I'm glad you're finding inspiration here! Please come visit any time! And I really like your site, too... I love crystals. I'll be sure to come explore more thoroughly really soon.

Much Love,

6:37 AM  

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